Saturday, 19 April 2008

Latest Press Release:

Click the link to see our latest release:
quick360 Free to Use feedback system from reactive360.

Launched in May 2007, reactive360. is an on-line 360 degree feedback system that mirrors the design philosophy the fully managed process created by
The first challenge for the new venture was to create and launch a process into the on-line market with bespoke capability in a simple framework, without the cost.

Icskills is the preferred supplier of 360 degree feedback to several UK companies including:
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.
Bradford and Bingley.
BG Group.
Skipton Building Society.

Capturing the learning from working with these key customers where to date icskills has delivered in excess of 22 thousand feedback reports suggested that critical to success would be:

• Branding the process with company logos.
• Custom building questionnaires.
• Multiple choice of scoring scales.
• A professional, text rich report with easy to understand charts.
• Custom editing of the report.
• Simple administration with an easy to use interface.
• Quick chasing of missing questionnaires.
• A price lower than (GBP) £40.00 for each complete report.
• No limit on the number of raters included in each report.
• Live help, telephone support and a 24 hour response to any query.

The new process, reactive360, has generated interest from across the globe, the most southerly user account is held by Coca Cola in New Zealand, the most northerly, Pratt and Whitney in Canada. Since the launch reactive360 has developed a client base of over 600 companies including:

IFS Defence.
UHS Inc.
BP Pensions.

A fundamental part of the system is that each of the new clients has the ability to offer suggestions of additional features and design improvements. As a result of the feedback and thanks largely to the clients reactive360 continues to evolve, the latest features under development include:

• Auto-fill contact information.
• Bulk import .
• Comparison data across groups of people.

Feedback suggested that although the level of custom flexibility suited the larger corporate clients, small volume users are still looking for a process that delivers a simpler to use process.
To meet this demand and as a second major challenge quick360 has been developed and launched.
Designed to run on the reactive360 platform and allow clients to up-grade when more flexibility is required, quick360 and become a test-bed for new technologies quick360 has an additional and unique selling point, it is the only Free to use 360 feedback system.