Download Raw Data:
We are adding the functionality to 'download' the raw data from a completed report. This feature will allow people to create person - to - person (or group - to - group)comparisons. Called Normative Reports in HR language, our existing clients use this information for Training Needs Analysis. The TNA utilises the massive (and therefore statistically relevant) information to inform their design and selection of appropriate Training and Development. In addition it allows them to 'Target' specific needs globally or locally.
New Scoring Scales:
As people use the system they are suggesting scoring scales (to mirror existing company scales). Some organisations with performance management systems (or annual appraisals) have an embedded scale that people are familiar with. Rather than 'force' them to use our 'default scale' we simply add theirs. The benefit is that from the date of addition - all other users of the system have access to the scale.
Report Samples:
We have developed a feature that allows people to customise the whole process, the questionnaire, the scoring scale and the report. To allow them to preview what the 'finished' report will look like - following customising a 'Preview' of the report can be generated using dummy data and a default set of relationships.
Team Leader Questionnaire:
One of our clients asked if it was possible to create a questionnaire that would allow 'Team Members' to assess their 'Team Leader'. The resulting questionnaire and the new relationships - Team Member and Team Manager - is now being tested within their organisation.