Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Launch day ..... www.factors360.com

At some point today - we will be hitting the go button (the one marked 'click here to prevent sleep') on the new system. factors360. As far as we know it will be the first subscription 360 feedback and appraisal site on the web.
It's for certain that it is the lowest cost.
The subscription cost:

  • £20.00 per single month.

  • £18.00 per month (when 3 months are purchased).

  • £15.00 per month (for 6 months).

  • 12 months access works out at .... £10.00 per month.

The lowest cost system we have found is £30.00 and that is per report - !!!!!!

For £10.00 per month with no single report cost - just access time - any budding mathematicians out there will be able to calculate that the report cost is now genuinely volume based...

I will post regular updates on how things progress....

Final thought for this entry -

This launch should amuse the competition..... (Or is that bemuse).....

Crash Test Dummy (CTD)